Assembly Commission



Conference Room 4B - Tŷ Hywel



Thursday, 3 November 2016



15.00 - 16.50




Minutes:  AC(5)2016(5)




Commission Members:


Elin Jones AM (Chair)

Suzy Davies AM

Caroline Jones AM

Adam Price AM

Joyce Watson AM






Officials present:


Claire Clancy, Chief Executive & Clerk of the Assembly

Adrian Crompton, Director of Assembly Business

Dave Tosh, Director of Resources

Non Gwilym, Head of Communications

Gwion Evans, Head of Presiding Officer's Private Office

Sulafa Thomas, Head of Commission and Member Support







Others in attendance:







1      Introduction




1.1  Introduction and apologies



No apologies were received.





1.2  Declarations of interest



There were no declarations of interest.





1.3  Minutes of the previous meeting



The minutes of 19 September were agreed.





2      Future capacity of the Assembly Estate



Commissioners considered short and longer term issues associated with the capacity of the Assembly estate. They supported work to improve the provision of committee rooms and agreed that options should be explored to enable future decision making.





3      The Fourth Assembly Commission report "The Future of the Assembly: ensuring its capacity to deliver for Wales" and the Wales Bill



Commissioners were briefed on work of the Commission in the last Assembly in relation to the capacity constraints of the institution and the conclusions reached. They were also updated on the current position and the extent of the powers being devolved by the Wales Bill currently being considered at Westminster.


Commissioners agreed that the Llywydd should undertake further discussion to explore progressing these issues.





4      Public Engagement - Youth Parliament and Digital Information



Commissioners were updated about proposals to establish a new youth parliament for Wales; and the development of a Digital Information and News Task Force. These are two key public engagement initiatives that form part of the Commission’s strategy.


Commissioners agreed to develop plans for a Youth Parliament and consult on these early in 2017 with a view to seeing our first youth parliamentarians identified in the second half of the year and the first meeting of the Youth Parliament in 2018. In particular they were keen that specific consideration be given as to how to reach the people who do not usually respond to consultations as part of this development.


Commissioners discussed the plans to for the Digital Information and News Task Force and were supportive of the work it will undertake in order to make recommendations for the future.


A further update regarding both initiatives will be included in a wider discussion about the Assembly Commission’s draft Public Engagement Strategy early in the New Year.





5      Assembly Commission Budget 2017-18 - response to the Finance Committee scrutiny and report



The Commission received information about the progress of the Commission budget process, including scrutiny by the Finance Committee. Commissioners welcomed the constructive approach that had been taken by the Finance Committee and that the Committee had recognised the uncertainties surrounding funding levels for future years.


The Commission agreed its response to the recommendations raised by the Finance Committee and that the final budget document will be laid on 9 November 2016.





6      Any other business



Commissioners discussed a few matters of topical interest.


